Episode 17; Addicted to Love

Nov 18, 2008 15:18

Guess I'm pretty lucky the only thing addictive about my personality is my charm~.

Oi, anyone need anything from the store while I'm out? Gonna stop by the grocery store later to pick up some things.

[Open action for anyone from the Hellsing household or anyone she'd happen to run across or into on her way to the store]
[Dressed in her usual riding gear (see icon), Atomsk's bright red Gibson EB-0 strapped to her back. Her bright yellow Vespa is parked outside of building 3 (assuming that's still where Hellsing is based), and she'll be spending the day driving around looking for something interesting to do, be it finding random bystanders to attack via hit-and-run (either with the guitar or Vespa) or just looking for people to annoy. Hell, challenge her to a race if you're fast enough or have a vehicle. If noone volunteers for any of this IC, assume she just went to the store and came back without incident. But she's getting antsy and is getting increasingly pissed off at her inability to find a way out. She's good at keeping it all from showing outwardly, but she's starting to feel like a tiger pacing its cage.]

hellsing, bored, unaffected, a cat among insects, gibson eb-0, vespa woman, maid work, alien, evolution baby, not war of the worlds, cold turkey, curse day, traveling musician

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