(no subject)

Aug 02, 2005 22:44

XC lazzy day! horray only 36 minute run.

Got home and called about Department of Licensing in Olympia! nice bill I donate to my parents. Ha..I've driven for 1 month but I can still drive 3 friends...I seemed to have found a loophole in the system...ha just kidding....I barely got insurance for my car a month ago...LamE! I've hid my license since January

Has tanning ever been so easy and relaxing? Ah my cat happened to be outside (on a warm sunny day? why..why?)
in my backyard so I decided to tan while I petted her, ingenious I know. I get a tan, pet my cat, relax and we're both happy. Though after I fell asleep on my shirt, I woke up in a little pond of sweat-yummy! (my cat had long smartly gone into the shadded area).

So after a little of Biology, lots of listening of Evanenescence (heck yes!) and of course looking at that postcard (insider), I stumbled across the idea that this week I was basically entirely free...and me being an expansive and luxurious Frenchman, needed to fill it up. Ah felt nice to book half a week's plans in 30minutes worth of phone calls-technology-the power-endless.

So I decided to walk to LW, mad dash around the track, no not for one mile but for one mile and one lap...odd eh? Well I figured I ran fast enough because afterwards I stuffed food into my endless pit of a stomach.

So Afterwards...me being brain awake from that run, went to go to Mr. Robertson's house..(yes the principal who happened to plan a tournament of poker), the famous Ian. But with no cellphone, and the wrong street address (113rd instead of 103rd, and mixing the house number...mind plays trick after a good run ...unfortunately), 30 minutes of searching and asking people around, I headed home...an explorating way... Yeah...brilliant, though it was fun since of course I love driving (my wallet however has strong aversion to gas though) and I got back alright.

And while doing a mini 30minute college search session (go French nerds!) I found www.Campusdirt.com has a comparasion of universities (up to 5) in social life, student life, campus, professors, curriculum, athletics graduates stats (average Princetonian grad makes like $101,000!!!!those rich babies), financial info, food, clubs, etc... so sign up, go under Main Navigation to College Comparison for the future. C'est gratuit, libre, free! Well good luck.
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