(no subject)

Jun 29, 2009 21:07

Gonna go get fingerprinted for so as to work at the bank tomorrow. Gotta get the fingerprinting done at the main branch here in Lawrence, which is where I had interviewed the first time I got an interview with U.S. Bank. In fact, I have to meet with the same guy who interviewed me the first time. I wonder how that will go. Will it be antagonistic, since he obviously didn't think that I was good enough for the job, or will it be a friendly atmosphere, "Oh-ho! I see you got in after all!" Or will he not remember me at all? And how I will react? Oh god, what a predicament I've gotten myself into.

Holly got me an iPod for my birthday way back in March. I started using it, but then iTunes stopped working properly and for some reason all of the songs that I had uploaded onto the device got erased. It was pretty fucking frustrating, and when I tried to upload them again it would not upload all the way. Holly doesn't want to feel that she wasted $300, which is pretty much what happened, and so she has implored me to try finding out what is wrong with it once more. Of course, since most of our CDs were stolen, there's not a lot I could put on the device anyway. Regardless, I had intended to work on that this evening but have been unable to find the cord that connects the iPod to the computer. I thought I had seen it in the kitchen previously, but my searching has proved fruitless. Goddammit.
But I did find a yo-yo, which provides me some solace.

Our funds are getting low. Which is not to say that we are reaching financial ruin, but it is not a very comfortable place that we're in. And I've still got another week before I begin work at the bank, then two weeks there before I get my first paycheck. And we just got a lot of our bills in the mail, rent's coming up... oh, and because the woman who owns this apartment is so slow at depositing checks, apparently she didn't deposit our $200 deposit before we closed our accounts in Arkansas. Meaning that we had to write her a new check. It's good to know that we aren't paying the same amount twice (we checked with Arvest), but it's still frustrating... especially now. I know Holly is constantly upset about finances. She is also upset with me for not getting a better job than the one that I did get. Sigh.

FUCK. I hate to say it, but I wish Holly hadn't gotten me this iPod. It's been nothing but trouble, and instead of bringing some measure of pleasure, it's only brought me this sense of guilt for not using it. I hate that.

There's really not a lot to say, because a lot doesn't get done. We went back to Arkansas in the middle of last week, as Holly had an eye exam in Oklahoma that she had to go to. It's weird being back in town and not having a place to go. We don't have a place of our own there, so we have to be at somebody's house, you know? Always with somebody. And if we go back, we have to see her parents and my parents and both our friends and maybe our grandparents and... it's just too much work, trying to see everybody in a day and a half. But I did get to spend a lot of time with Tyler and Sebastien, which was pretty enjoyable. And we had pistachio grilled chicken at my grandparents' house on Saturday night, which was absolutely delicious.

I recently read Christopher Hitchens' god is not Great, and I've just begun a book that I bought at a local bookstore called The Case for Same-Sex Marriage. I'm not far into it, but it's pretty good. As could probably be expected, it's both interesting and infuriating. I don't understand at all how gay marriage is outlawed, given that there is pretty much no legal reason for it. None at all. Here's a long quote from the book:
Convicted felons, fascists, and communists--all receive marriage licenses from the state.
The Supreme Court stands ready to discipline any state that denies these citizens their
right to marry, yet no one believes that the license constitutes state approval of felony,
default on support obligations, tax delinquency, communism, or fascism. People con-
sidered sexually deviant also routinely get marriage licenses. Pedophiles, transvestites,
transsexuals, sadists, masochists, sodomites, and hermaphrodites can get marriage
licenses in every state--so long as they can persuade the state that they are heterosexual
pedophiles, transvestites, transsexuals, sadists, masochists, sodomites, and hermaph-
rodites (sometimes this is a pretty scholastic exercise). Gay people constitute virtually the
only group in America whose members are not permitted to marry the partner they love.
This is intolerable.

Emphasis mine. Hitchens' book was surprisingly not as engaging as I was hoping. I was really impressed with him after listening to him argue with a Christian radio host in a YouTube video, which is what made me want to read his book. But the book was pretty disjointed, difficult to get a grip on what he was really trying to say, and included a lot of personal anecdotes - which I really can't stand. So it didn't really do for me what I was hoping it would, but I still read it all because I wanted to be able to say that I had.
Speaking of wanting to say that I had, I have three proper Nicolas Cage movies left (one of those should be here tomorrow, another should be at Holly's dad's house soon...?). I could technically say that I have seen every Nicolas Cage film once I view those three, but I'm afraid that there will still be this nagging sense of guilt. Why? Because Cage provided the voice for an animated version of A Christmas Carol, and I have not seen that. He also had an uncredited role as "Man in Red Sportscar" in a movie called Never on Tuesday, which I have not seen. Neither of those movies are available anywhere that I am aware of. Since he's not technically IN the first one, and not credited in the second, I have until now felt that it was permissable to ignore them. But now I feel like I'm cheating somehow. Am I? Or can I tell the world soon that yes, I HAVE seen every Nicolas Cage film? Would I be a liar?

There are way too many spiders in our apartment. They stay in the windowsills, mostly, but we've seen them in the bathroom and on the carpet in the bedrooms. I went through the windowsills the other day and killed probably more than a dozen small spiders that I could see, but I'm sure there are more. Last night, I saw a huge one crawl down the wall, but by the time I went to get a tool for killing it, it had gone. Now when I go to bed, I feel spiders crawling all over my body. I imagine them on my legs and arms while I am asleep. It's not a fun feeling, and although a guy came before to spray for bugs (and is supposedly coming again), I don't think that it will eradicate them at all. Not at all.

I hate doing nothing, but it is all I do.

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