Jun 05, 2007 18:31
So I didn't get into the school I wanted.
Which devestated me at first and still kind of tears me up when I think about it, but now it's sort of... Meh. Dad began the Peptalk of Doom, and it's really hard to stay upset after one of those. He always gets out the pen and paper and starts going, "So, le's write down all the stuff that you do great, and then the stuff that you could do better! I think you blah blah doing great at work lately blah blah you sleep better blah less time at the computer blee." And fine. It's all true. I am handling two jobs at the time (rolling ties and folding boxes for my uncle's company, and handle office work for dad's friend Ingemar) and I'm doing pretty well at both of them, I think. I do stuff more. I am so desperate for distraction, for Things To Do, for an agenda, that I take any job.
I really wanted that school. I'm not even on the secondary choices list, so I can't get in if anyone drops out. I knew there was a tiny chance that I'd get in. And looking back I should have applied for more schools, obviously (even though I found none that appealed to me as much as Jakobsberg did), but even if I had known I don't... know if I would have done anything differently. When it really boils down to it, I am a very positive person. I sort of assume that everything will work out for me, that the acceptance letter was just a formality and of course they'd want me there. But no. So maybe this is healthy for me... I'll still think positive about stuff (Positive Thinking Yields Positive Results!) but I won't be crushed if things don't work out like I'd planned.
So now what? I guess I'll apply to evening classes and whatnot. It's too late for universities and such, yeah, but there are options. So I'll be okay.
In other news: I wanna marry Harry Dresden.