Sep 11, 2005 18:03
Yesterday I went to Ryan's house to watch the dubbed version of Naruto.
If you don't want to know specifics, bascially, Naruto went from hardcore to softcore. That's probably the best way to describe it.
The voices were total crap. The only voice that seemed to fit was Konohamaru (it's not that hard to screw up an annoying kid's voice). Also, they say all the things werid, except "Konohamaru"... they say that like how it's said in the japanese version. But... God damn the way they pronounce things really fucking bugs me.
I didn't think that they would actually do it... but they toned down the blood... They don't even have nosebleeds anymore. But then again, not that many people here would get the whole nosebleed thing, I would think. There is some blood, but not nearly enough to be awesome.
Naruto doesn't say "Damn it" every 5 seconds now... Now he says "Believe it" every once in a while. That bugs me too.
Also, when we saw the preview for the next episode where Kakashi makes his first appearance... You got to hear a snippit of his voice. I wanted to kill someone. Seriously. Kakashi was cool. The new voice makes me sad. He's not "hip" anymore. I don't think they will tell people what Kakashi is reading either, since this is now a kid's show. But that just means that part of that one episode with Naruto, Sakura, and Sauske trying to see Kakashi's face won't make much sense when he sees the billboard for "make out paradise" or the other one I remember him reading... I think it was Make out violence. But I really expect them not to hint at what he's reading... Which is also depressing...
They did keep some of the normal music and stuff, but they changed the music for the intro and endings (the ending is totally different while the intro uses the same video intro just with different music).
But all that's not even the worst part. I really fear for how popular it might get here. It may take the same path as Full Metal Alchemist, which was a really good show, in japanese, until it got here. I'm glad I finished the series before it even started here. I can't say the same for naruto, since new episodes are still being released in Japan. I think that Hot Topic is already selling Naruto stuff, which goes to show you how popular this is already.
That's all I can remember right now... I'm sure Ryan can fill in more stuff.
After watching the first 2 episodes, we had to get Erica's boyfriend (who watched it with us) to see a REAL naruto episode.
Anyways, that's my story of how part of me died last night, watching the first two episodes of what will probably be the next Pokemon, or Yu-gi-oh, or whatever the hell children are watching these days.
RIP Naruto
2002-Sept 10, 2005