seems I have a school clinic to run now. Yeah. ^^;;
In my neck of the woods, this isn't always as boring as it sounds, because my school has hypertensive workaholic teachers, college girls who suddenly faint or start gasping for stupid reasons, and the occasional fight that leads to stitches.
No pay (for the moment, but in the future I don't know, and even then it will be minimal), but it's experience, and a chance to get rid of several of the jitters and work out my style. I'm finding myself having to browse through protocol papers, when I find them. This just means I'll be out in the afternoons, and praying I don't have to take kids or college girls to the nearby hospital.
Almost done with The Name of the Rose, and complaining: I read through the whole tome and I have to wait until the postscript to find out what the title means?! (hairpulling, hairpulling) Good stuff, yeah, but seriously, Mr. Eco, that ain't fair.
See ya around.
EK 8 )