more-or-less-weekly randomness post

Jul 22, 2013 09:33

Anyone know of a good, not-too-hard-to-use alternative to iTunes for managing MP3 files? iTunes gets less intuitive and more complicated with each "update" and I'm getting fed up with it.

More than 2 years after first hearing about it, I finally tried The Less Than Epic Adventures of TJ and Amal It is, well, epic. I've fallen for TJ--he's so laid-back and funny. OMG he sang the "lime and coconut" song! I like Amal too, and not just for his eye-candy factor (which is highly substantial!) I started reading Saturday and am up to about Chapter 14. They remind me a bit of Jin and Mugen, only with less sniping at each other (at least through Chapter 14) and not wanting to kill each other. And no Fuu. I'd love to chat with any of you who have been reading it--just please, no spoilers!
I have to make sure I don't neglect beta-reading my BFF's own epic R.O.D fic to read more of TJ and Amal...

I scrubbed the kitchen floor this past weekend. Yay, me!

Frigging grass is growing all in between the brickwork in our walks and back patio. I thought last year was bad, but this year it's more than half taken over. I can do only so much weeding in this heat, and working full time. I did hire a guy to fix the fence posts and pull the hordes of English ivy and false grapevine, though.

As for the garden, beans are doing well--I get several that are ready to pick about every other day. And this just might be the year I get actual cucumbers again! Edamame pods are growing, all fuzzy and cute.

Speaking of fuzzy and cute--or rather, silk-velvet and elegantly adorable--Ivan is fine as ever. He's learned to leap over my iPad when I've got it on my lap, and to not touch the keys. Though on Saturday night, he was super-adorable curled up next to me with one paw on the edge of the iPad keyboard. In other Ivan-news, husband got to be on hairball duty this morning.

gardening, webcomics, ivan

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