Title: Flying
Fandom: Animorphs
Characters: Rachel
Prompt: Beautiful
Word Count: 192
Rating: PG
Summary: Rachel and her gymnastics
I flipped from the short bar to the tall one, then went into a handstand, then turned my hands around and dismounted, with only a little hop.
Gymnastics was odd these days, and it wasn't just from trying to cram in practice between fighting sessions. The uneven bars used to be my favourite, even if it was awkward doing it because of my height, but flying from one bar couldn't compare to soaring through the as a bald eagle. Flying was instinctive for the eagle, it just riding the thermals.
"Looking good, Rachel" called Melissa, coming from doing her balance beam. "I only just managed to do mine without falling!" She wrinkled her nose, then sighed.
"Thanks. Rolls can be tough, you do very well with them." I said. I sat on the bleachers and watched stressed-out people try to perform routines as best they might. Mostly, there were a lot of falls.
But then one gymnast jumped two feet from the high bar and twirled, dismounting with a little hop. It looked lovely.
Yes, birds are the ones who look beautiful flying. But we land-bound humans can make an okay show.