Apr 24, 2009 14:48
Here is the start of myt next Dread Pirate SqueekyFoot story where I will introduce the next member of the crew. What do you think?
If you own, know, or are a robot, mech, cyborg, or android (commonly known as a droid), then you are mostly likely familiar with Mech Co as they are known for their robotics products from the simple A.I. chips to replacement body parts to fully functional androids. They are just not known for their quality.
It is common knowledge that one can pick up a dozen Mech Co droids for the price of one of their competitors droids. It was also common belief that you were still getting ripped off at that price, but that didn’t stop people from owning what the company produced. And Mech Co sold a lot.
Because they were always the lowest bidder, the company was always working on some new military contract for one a the hundred of worlds out there and at times they would sell the same thing to both sides of a conflict promising that the customer was getting the latest and greatest, guaranteed to win the war, conflict, scrimmage, or argument. The droids were always junk and most wars ended after one side went broke throwing away good money into bad bots.
Several years ago, Mech Co tried to change their image during what would later be known as Draft 42 which was not as exciting as Draft 78 years later where The Mihoogle Foundation acquired Gorgac “Eight-Eyes” Smogahaht who would later invent some of the galaxy’s greatest interspecies sex adis, but was far better than Draft 28 which was so dull no one remembers it.