Note Twenty-Four

Jun 29, 2008 15:38

[Klavier's cleaning up the bottles that he left lying around, and the bottle that he threw at Ema. He sweeps it up carefully and deposits it in the trash. Then he goes to his room, starting to straighten things up (piling all the papers on top of each other, making his bed, etc.). When he's finally done he heads out to the living room with his guitar and finally realizes he's on the second level. He chuckles a little, and then shakes his head.]

Anyone interested in a little music?

[He tunes his guitar and starts playing something.]

~A city of strangers
A city of friends
A city where you can tie up loose ends
A city of hope
And a city of fear
We don't know why we've been pulled here

Some were dead and
The others were not
But don't give up this one last shot
It messes with you
And it screws with your mind
But you better watch out 'cause you don't know what you might find~

[Yes. Klavier is working on a song about Template.]

accidental second level, music

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