Jul 16, 2007 03:28
"Happy St. Patricks day"
I always try and come up with something at least partially related to what i know i'm gunna type. I always seems to fail. I'm in a tokyo modd tonight. I want to go there so bad. I just don't know why. IIt's strange how i can feel homesick for some place i have never been. I want to go there and i have a feeling like it's pulling me to it. Strange, to think a city could be alive and actually focusing on one kid in a different country. I just can't shake the feeling of attraction to it. I wonder if I ever will go there. I want to, but many of the thigns we want to do we never do. If i never do go there then i can consider my life a failure. Even if it turns out that i hate the place I can at least say that i went there. I can say that i have accomplished one of my life's goals. I don't set many goals for fear of dissapointmet but this is one i know i want, and i know i have to do it. But i want to be there now. If i could, i would take the first flight out of here to tokyo. No matter how much i had to pay, how unplanned, how utterly confused everyone would be, how utterly confused i would be with teh whole language barrier thing. I wouldn't care i wouldnt even need to think. All i would need is to be in the city at night time. Witness the beauty that i so frequently stare at, be able to experience the fulfillment of being in tokyo. One of these days, I will go. I swear to everyone i have ever loved,met, talked to, and befriended, if I do not go to tokyo in my life time, i want you to kill me. I want you to slap me on my death bed and say, "what the fuck were you thinking? When did you forget your dreams?" I Dont want to forget any of my dreams, no matter how minute they are. Although, Tokyo is no small task. I need these dreams to keep living. All fo us do. If we have no hope for the future then what hope do we have as a person? Strange how we judge off of what people want to do, when we know they will never accomplish it. It dosen't matter how hard you try in the world it mattters that you kissed enough ass. The corporate world needs to be turned upside down, shaken and replaced. Becuase only the people that actually work will hold on, the others will fall right out. And im not saying just for me, but for everyone, We shouldn't tolerate the rich getting richer, we should work towards an enconomy where no ones int he gutter and everoyne can affrd to live healthy. NOt a select few, cocksuckers. They take up all the money and dont canre about a single person...it's a travesty. BUt not one person can start a revolution, especially someone with such weak skills as myself. But others can, it's just..they never will. Sad sad world we live in