Ground Hog Week

Jul 14, 2006 17:08

I'm having this terrible, terrible feeling that really, I'm just going through hell week. All over again.

So, last week, I threw this End of Semester party, which a) I WILL NEVER EVER DO AGAIN, b) Stressed me out like fucking WHOA, c) Made me feel really empty and emo all over again, d) and I didn't really enjoy all that much e) I was cleaning up for before the party for a day and f) spend like three days cleaning up AFTER.

And when my brother said "Hey, let's throw Mum a birthday party" what he really meant to say was "Hey, let's throw Mum a birthday party AND I'll leave all the organizing to you, but I won't tell you this until the last minute." So yeah I'm stressed, I was cleaning all day and shopping (and did I mention the part where it's the middle of the month and I'M FUCKING BROKE? YEAH?!? CAUSE SOMEONE HAS TO PAY FOR ALL THAT CRAP. THANK YOU!) and doing all the recycling stuff left over from the End Of Semester party.

Really, I want to crawl into a corner and just BAWL.

It really sucks to be the responsible one.


Thesis? What thesis?
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