Wow. Way to be misunderstood.

Aug 06, 2011 07:37

Because I've seen two posts that I believe are in response to my thoughts on Seasonal_Spuffy, I feel the need to clarify. No, I'm not indignant that the mods moved the comm to Dreamwidth. There is no indignation.

Do I think it was a smart move to do so without consulting the members? Yes, but it's a minor quibble that is easily laid to rest, at least for me.

Am I not participating because of this move? Heck no, I'm not participating because I'm taking 18 units this semester and I'm already stressing over taking French II when I last took a French class two years ago. I have no blow off classes this term, no easy "A" classes, so I figure reducing the stress in my life by not forcing myself to create something for a voluntary ficathon is a good idea. I may or may not have something for the free day, but I don't want the pressure of a day all to myself.

Am I mad at the mods for moving the comm? Why would I be? I love Erin and Snick to death, and it does feel disloyal to have that aforementioned minor quibble about not consulting the members before moving the community because I adore them.

So please don't take my words to mean I'm wanting to start something. I was just going through my brain with how I personally felt about the move. I don't like it, but I can live with it. It's okay. As Catherine Tate would say, I'm not bovvered. Do I think the fandom will survive this? Yes, and that's really all I care about.


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