So I have every intention of doing the 30 Days of TV meme that's going around (I'm gonna include YouTube clips! That's how I've been spending my insomniac nights - finding YouTube clips that best express my feelings about certain shows! And reading Spike/Buffy porn!), but right now I don't know if I'll have consistent internet access for the next couple of weeks until I'm back home for the summer, so I'm waiting on that one.
Until then, I am determined to make sure you all acknowledge that I am, in fact, a sheep, just like everyone else.
Gakked from
penny_lane_24. Though I will admit that the majority of fan fiction I've written has consistently stayed in the planning/outlining stages. My procrastination and lack of follow-through is at least consistent, yes?
Bold any reasons that apply to you, strike out any that don't (if you feel like it), and add three reasons of your own to the bottom.
1. To explore themes that I don't get to see in mass media using characters I love.
2. Because it's fun.
3. Because mass media does a crappy job of representing my race and sexual orientation gender.
4. Because I can get more people aboard my ship writing a story than a manifesto.
5. Because TV science-fiction doesn't explore its science-fiction premises in enough depth.
6. Because it's a gift I can give a stranger and know they will enjoy it. [This particularly applies to penguin!fic, in my opinion.]
7. Because I resonate emotionally with the characters what I read and watch, and want to find out why by writing about it.
8. Because every tale is a universe, often with fascinating nooks and crannies that the original author never explored.
9. Because I've made some of my best and dearest friends through this very wacky hobby.
10. Because the world the creator made is vast, and I want to see more of it.
11. Because writing as a communal experience is amazing.
12. Because I can.
13. Because I get so much enjoyment from reading fan fiction that I want to contribute to the community by providing enjoyment for other fans.
14. When I become interested in particular actors and/or characters, sometimes I want to explore them in different contexts than their canons would ever allow.
15. I enjoy writing but I feel ambivalent about trying to get published; writing fan fiction frees me by removing the pressure to sell from consideration.
16. Because of 'tribbers copies (I didn't have a lot of money so I contributed drawings and stories to zines I wanted free copies of.)
17. Because I had a talent for writing humor, even for not-very-humorous shows, and I loved it when people laughed.
18. Because I was once part of a fun fannish clique of talented women who encouraged me to write, talked story with me, and applauded what I wrote.
19. Because my ship will never be canon, no matter how much I might like it to be, and therefore if I want to see it I'll just have to write it myself.
20. Because the writers are not going to devote a chapter or an episode or an entire movie scene to my favorite character's hobbies and pastimes, and I like writing that sort of thing.
21. Because it's writing which is fun and relaxing for me to do in the free time when I'm not working on my original fiction and/or trying to get published. [when not working on school-related projects for me.]
22. Because sometimes, when I'm waiting for a new episode or book or whatever, all my ideas about what will happen next keep running around in my head, and I have to get them out somehow.
23. Because these characters grab a hold of me and make me want to know them as best I can.
24. Because I am a creative person who is inspired by other creative people.
25. Because it's a way of exploring the aspects of a canon that I love while ignoring, critiquing, or undermining the ones that I find offensive, boring, or unimaginative.
26. Because I love the idea of perpetuating a community in which love and gifts and critical-thinking and fun and community are the driving forces, not money, fame, or power.
27. Because the original writers told me to. [Joss, our relationship may be a bit rocky right now, but you got this one thing absolutely right.] [Comment by
penny_lane_42, but still so friggen' applicable I need to second it.]
My additional three:
28. Because trying to recreate an already established character voice is a brilliant exercise for anyone who wants to improve their writing.
29. Because the direction and focus of my own stories serve as a commentary on the original canon story in an interactive way that meta can't
30. Because in exploring the minutae of everyday life that is rarely shown in the original work, we can expand on the known traits of characters and emphasize aspects of characterization that resonate with me personally.
Okay, I was really gonna try and prove my right to bold #17 by being snarky and humorous, but I'm feeling reflective and wordy, so you got the academic crap with the five-dollar wordage. I needed to boost my self-esteem, okay?