Sensing a Trend . . .

Sep 12, 2009 01:00

Angel or Spike? Spike.

Bill or Eric? Eric.

Basically, anytime we're asked to choose between the iron jawed, dark and brooding loner or the dynamic, slender, blond sex god, blond sex god wins every time.

It's not only with vampires, either! Jack or Sawyer? I don't need Jack's daddy issues. Sawyer FTW!!

So when it comes to the new Vampire Diaries show, I already know I'll be loathing that soulful main vampire we're supposed to want the heroine with, and shipping her with the bad boy. Every. Damn. Time.

That is why I feel so bad for Bella Swan. Slim pickens in Forks, it seems. No blond sex god to sweep her off her feet in spite of herself!

meta, tv: true blood, tv: buffy the vampire slayer, fandom: twilight

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