Please note that I'm typing this on my new wee tiny laptop, which means there will probably be typos. (I have wee hands but not that wee.)
Heya, Walt. Please don't shoot the boys. Although also hullo continuity from beginning of season and the hunters who hunt Sam...
I'd be a lot more wibbly and such if a. the boys hadn't died before, b. if I didn't know this was, y'know, espisode 16 of 22, and c. I didn't have an inikling about this episode already.
"When I come back I'm gonna be pissed." Hee. Yay for Dean knowing he's coming back. heh.
Repeat of music-- "Knocking on Heaven's Door" ala ... um... that angel episode before we believed in angels.
Uhh, I don't recommend holding the firecracker...
Awwww, wee Sam hugging Dean. Are you still empty inside Dean?
A smile from Dean!! Holy carp!
Guest stars-- this IS the episode I thought. Dammit, I really wanted to have the newest Yarn!Chester done before this episode. :(
Cas as KITT. Heh. (Okay, not really, I know. He's on the radio. Which, actually, is a lot more Good Omens than I originally thought.)
Dean's in heaven. I like that his first reaction is disbelief-- not that he's dead but that he got to Heaven. And the second response is, Where's Sam? That's so right.
Bwahaha. Sam molested by 'Stephanie.' Heh.
"How are we in Heaven?"
"All that clean living, I guess."
"Last I checked it wasn't the road to Heaven that was paved with good intentions." Yep. More">
"We should, uh--
"Yeah, definitely."
Weee, Cas on tv. "Don't go into the light!"
Um. Joshua? As in Jeshua? As in Jesus? Or really just a special angel? Joshua in the garden can take us to God? Hm. Of course, you say Garden I first think Eden but second think of Lucifer in a Sam Suit amongst the roses. Hm.
"Our memories are coming true, Cas is on tv-- finding a road in a closet..." (Not sure precisely what the end of the quote was. But I want to point out that Cas WAS on tv in "Changing Channels."
"Yeah, but more trippy-- apparently you love hugs." Mary!!!
Flurry gots a headache and so didn't come over. :( This means there are no Yarn!Chester shenanigans to report. Sad.
Smallville commercial -- wasn't the premise of Smallville about Superman as a teenager? And hasn't it been on for yeeeeeeeears? Isn't he now not so much a teenager?
Aw, Dean. ::wibble::
"Dad always said they had the perfect marriage."
"It wasn't perfect until after she died."
"How 'bout some pie?!" Noooo! Don't go for the-- oh wait, nevermind. You're already dead.
Ohh, sad. They'd gotten along so well in Dean's first memory, and now sadness. Oh wait, I'm watching Supernatural-- of COURSE.
"Your Heaven is somebody else's Thanksgiving."
"I just don't look at family the way you do."
Of course. Dean's happy memories are all of family, and Sam's are of getting away from family. I wonder, though, if someone is controlling which happy memories are being visited because surely not ALL their happy memories fall into these two categories. I dig the continuity of character, though-- the callback to the tensions of seasons 1 and 2.
I'm kind of diggin' the guitar sound here, but I suspect it will sound dated in a few years. (Like the soundtrack to, say, The Young Riders.)
Hi Zachariah. I want to see a Zachariah vs. Crowley smackdown.
What the hell... ?
ASH!! Huzzah!!!!!
He's talking directly to the boys so he's probably not a memory, which means that he's probably also a spirit in heaven, and he really did die in 2.21. Drat. But still, huzzah Ash!
Okay, so lots of Heavens. "Ashland." Um, that's where the Shakespeare is. :)
Pretty sure that was "skillz" with a "Z."
The Ash computer!!
"Of course I had to come find you. Again."
"God, Angels. Must have windexed your brains."
Why aren't Ellen and Jo in Heaven??? If he can find Sam and Dean (multiple times) why not Ellen, Jo, John or Mary???
"If makes you feel any better, we got Ash killed, too."
"I'm cool."
"He's cool with it."
8:36-- yup, this is about the point in most episodes were the commentary lessens because there's less snark and more plot.
Oh crap-- Mary's in the nightgown... Yeah, not so much a heavenly memory.
"I never loved you. I was shackled to you. You were my burden. Look what it got me."
Except, no... no matter what Dean thinks/feels, Mary's death was not his fault. She made the deal with Azazel. He couldn't stop it, true, but that's not the same as causing it.
I require snacks.
Dude, Mary sounds more like Meg than Mary. Or anything heavenly.
"Or at least the blessed memory of her." This is a construct, clearly, but it doesn't explain why Ash can't find Mary and John and such.
"Lucifer may be strong, but I'm petty." That's not something one generally expects from angels (except on Supernatural.
I'm guessing this is Joshua. "You know how he is with that whole wrath thing." Very Hebrew Bible rather than New Testament...
So God is on Earth, and He talks to Joshua but not face to face. And He might be lonely.
The Apocalypse isn't God's problem?!?!?!?! Huh.
But good to have Cas's return and the Winchesters' plane ride were courtesy of God.
"I just trim the hedges."
He reminds me of the janitor in Terry Pratchett's Thief of Time.
To know that Dean's faith is flagging, and to give him nothing to bolster it, that sucks.
Is it possible that all of tihs was from Zachariah's angels?
"You all right?"
"Define all right?"
Well, y'know, alive is a kickass start.
Oh Cas. Can someone who knows-- knows God exists lose faith?
The buttons on Sam's shirt are very bright. And they form a cross.
And Dean did not put his amulet on. :(
Oh holy crap, no-- threw it away?!?!?! That's so not okay on so many levels.