Thursday 1 April 2010

Apr 01, 2010 13:01

Note: I generally dislike April Fool's stuff, so there's none of that here to be on guard for. I'm just putting down thoughts throughout my busy busy day.

I'm just under halfway through The Midnight Mayor-- I'm reading it particularly slowly, it feels, because I'm so busy, but I'm very much enjoying it. Mind you, when I look for it (I routinely misplace things like whatever book I'm reading, my cell phone, my hairbrush-- the things one carries around absently) I think of it as Give Me Back My Hat, as that phrase is of importance within the book, and I don't know what it means and it makes me giggle somewhat, randomly.

Last night Flurije, wild_donkey_man and I celebrated my and the latter's ABD-ness by ordering Greek food, watching action movies, doing puzzles, and drinking cheeeeeeap wine. I didn't get into bed 'til nearly 3am, so I am tiiiiiiiiiiiired.

Today, however, is the play. The play. The play. I hate the play. I am NEVER EVER EVER doing another play without a director again. I've written before about how the person in charge (the default director, for it is his project and he is the professor) has NO CLUE what he's doing (but thinks he does) so I shan't go into it again. But suffice it to say that in many ways today will be a clusterfuck. Yay.

Also, I have random bruises on my arms from carrying my spinning wheel about. Le sigh.

But I have made many sheeps for the cast ('cause it's what you do) and today I put wee taggies on them (using handspun yarn to hold them, as it is thematically appropriate). So at least this amuses me.

I am obsessively checking the order status of my wee mini baby tiny laptop. FedEx has it out on a truck for delivery. It will, of course, 10 to 1, be delivered while I'm not home, but I'll be back before the office closes to pick it up. :D

Wooo! It actually arrived!! Granted, it now has to sit, in its box, unopened, on my futon while I go off and do a play. :P

I'll post more later.
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