Firstly, I actually updated
Project-Cat!! Whoa! It's the first in a series of regular updates, I hope.
Secondly, I put seven cat toys up for sale in my
Etsy Shop. Woot.
And lastly, if you're on Facebook, you can see new pictures I uploaded of my cats-- they're in their Catbook pages... Yes, I'm a dork. But the pictures are adorable. (Also, I have now uploaded them to their own
Flickr Set.)
I'll do anything to avoid commenting on student drafts... Heh.
I'm going to update the Project-Cat Flickr page now, too, although it'll be pretty much the same pictures as the ones I put up on Project-Cat today. I just like to have them all online in one place.
Of course, leave it to me to get all this updating done on a Friday afternoon when no one is online to see it. Le sigh.