
Feb 04, 2010 21:00

No during-episode commentary tonight 'cause I'm trying to teach myself to spin using the long draw. (I'm very much a short draw spinner). But

I don't much care for time travel episodes of any show, but I'm enjoying this one. And I'm very glad they chose to not return to 1973. Anna's choice of 1978, however, is curring it rather close, given Dean was born in December '78.

It's got to be weird talking to someone who claims to be your son (who you haven't had yet.) It's got to be twice as weird to know you're pregnant with that same son.

Um. Anna just killed Sam... How many times has Sam died on this show? At least "All Hell Breaks Loose" part 1, "Wishful Thinking" and, um, that episode in season 2 with Ava.

Wow, Anna's death? Gruesome.

Why would Michael save Sam? Maybe only if Dean says "yes"

"Six degrees of Heaven bacon."

Bloodline. ::Sigh:: Do not like. But okay, I guess it goes along with the theme of family.

Ack! Random coughing fit. I can type while coughing, but I can't hear Michael!John, dammit...

Eyes watering, can't see Show.

"Because I gotta believe that I can choose what I do with my unimportant little life."
Oh I hope so, Dean. Otherwise my investment in 5 (maybe 6?) seasons of this show is for naught.

DAMMIT, NO DENSITY (yes, I I mean density), NONONONO. Bad Show, no cookie. Also, if this season is based (loosely) on Milton's Paradise Lost, it means that free will must exist.

I'm not sure why this episode is choosing to hammer home the density angle, since Show has done that before, many times. At this point, you'd think (regardless of how Show really 'feels' about it) they'd throw in an episode that lets us believe that density isn't the end all be all.

Hm. I seem to be commenting and not spinning, oops.

Going back to my lumpy yarn now. (I didn't say I was successfully learning to spin long draw.)

Final thought:


supernatural, tv, spn5

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