ami!Bobby Most people either hated tonight'sSupernatural episode, found it boring, or found it heart-wrenching. Regardless of which category you fall into, hopefully this post will help cheer you up. I give you, the newest Yarn!Chester, Castiel. And also, a few other interesting (I hope) Yarn!Chester pictures...
(You can see the whole set of pictures thus far at
the Yarn!Chester Flickr set.)
First, the newcomer, Castiel:
For the Castiel/Dean 'shippers out there:
(The idyllic background is actually my lapdesk. I propped it up to use as something for the amigurumis to lean against, but then realized it was actually quite a dorky, cutesy little backdrop. Awww, look at Dean and Castiel prancing through an English country garden.)
Speaking of Dean and Castiel, here's my recreation of the opening scene from last week's episode, "The Rapture":
Why do I have a wee lounge chair that just so happens to perfectly fit the Yarn!Chesters? Um... I honestly don't know. My parents sent it to me a few weeks ago (and they don't know about the Yarn!Chesters-- wait, that's not true, they'd seen Dean over Easter. So maybe they did have them in mind?) It's an advertisement of some sort for Walgreens and it came with a bunch of other stuff my parents sent me, the rest of it completely unrelated to Walgreens. Tonight I spied it and thought, Aha! A use for it!
And the Brothers Winchester as we like them, together and brotherly:
Other pictures in the Flickr set include a shot of all three, a few "making-of" shots including one with Castiel having stand-up fright-hair, and the infamous "Callie thinks this is silly" picture.
Next Yarn!Chester will be Bobby. I think I've finally decided on what colors to make his clothes and such. I've made his head and one hand, so he is started.