First thoughts, first watch, etc. Under the cut:
We're actually still 10 minutes from 4.21's airing here in AZ, so Bones is on the telly, and my friend
Flurije is here, and we are eating pizza. Mmmm, pizza. This is completely irrelevant to SPN. But, there you go. WHAT THE HELL? Why is Stewie from Family Guy on Bones?? Mind you, I haven't been watching Bones this season (or, for that matter, much of last season) but I'm pretty sure that Stewie doesn't tend to show up. Is Stewie like the dancing baby from Ally McBeal? I hated that show. Oh, okay. A brain tumor is a pretty good reason for seeing Stewie.
Now then. Where were we?
Huh. I expected a musical THEN.
Oh boys.
"If it smells like a duck..." Smells? Is this like "stick it where the sun shines," Dean?
"You just bought yourself a bench-warmer seat to the apocalypse." Heh.
Flurije: That's what you get when you drink the demon blood.
I know that Sam's position on the bed is to be the same as the one that Ruby was in "Heaven and Hell" but it's also the same as when he was tied up in "Dream a Little Dream of Me" and I think pretty damn close to in "Jump the Shark." Very crucifixiony. Wouldn't it be great if he wasn't the anti-christ but the second coming of Christ? Heh.
"Here, let me look it up in my Demon Detox Manual."
Nice tie-in to "After School Special" here with Colin Ford's Wee!Chester. Nice that that episode has a point.
"Think Jess would want you to turn into this?" Nice use of Jess's death as spurring towards saving people-- perhaps.
Wee!Chester with yellow eyes!
"Where the hell are your angel pals?"
Bobby: Sam can kill demons.
Well, yes, but only when he's sucking on demon blood which, at the moment, he doesn't have any of.
"I love that boy like a son." Family anvil! "Because we love him too much," eek, repeat of end of season 2.
"I'm a piss-poor excuse for a son." Whoa, that's usually Dean's line.
Mommy!Chester, NO! "We understand that there are going to be hard choices"-- but you wanted out! "Yes, our family is cursed." Nice tie of Sam's subconscious with his conscious in "Jump the Shark." "Because Dean is weak," and again.
"Make my death mean something." Hm.
"Don't let anything or anyone get in your way. Not even Dean." No! Sam, obviously Mama!Chester wouldn't have said that!
"You got ass-reamed in Heaven, and it was not of import?!"
"Consuming the amount of blood it would take to kill Lilith would change your brother forever. Most likely he would become the next creature you would feel compelled to kill."
I'll have to recheck that quote, but those are interesting choice of words.
"If it gives you comfort to see it that way."
"You're a dick these days."
Truer words, my friend, truer words.
"Do you give yourself over wholly to serve God and his angels?"
How is this any different than selling his soul at the end of season 2?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! (Except, yeah, good v. evil.) Still, selling one's self for Sam?
Commercials. Whatever.
Oh, Eric Kripke, you're going to kill me. AND HOW WILL YOU FEEL THEN, HUH??
Hm. That can't be good. Hallucination or actual veiny bits? Hm. Hallucination.
"You willingly signed up to be the angels' bitch? I'm sorry, you prefer sucker."
"They come on like shady politicians from planet Vulcan!"
"What other options do I have?" Well, isn't that precisely what Sam has been saying all season?
(I maintain that only together do the brothers have any real option.)
Wheeeee! Sam rolls about the room. Vroom!
If it's Thursday, Sam must be tied up.
"Revenge? For what? For sending me to Hell? Did you happen to notice that I'm back?"
Thank you! that was my point!
"How about stopping the apocalypse?"
"My gig! Not yours!"
"Then at least he dies human." Hm. That's interesting. I wonder if it's partly because of what Castiel just said.
I wonder why Sam is hallucinating Dean in this particular jacket/outfit? Is it the same one that Dean wore in "Dream a Little Dream of Me"?
"I guess I found my line." Hm. We've been waiting all season.
I think it's probably good that Sam's biggest fear/most horrible hallucination is Dean saying that they're not brothers, that Sam means nothing to Dean.
Sam's confused look here is cracking me up (when the shackles/door open.)
BWAH?!?!?! CASTIEL WTF??? OMGWTFBBQ?!?!?!??!?!!??!?! With the door and the opening and the CASTIEL WHAT ARE YOU DOING? (And equally important, under whose orders? And does Dean get out of his contract because you messed up?)
"He's drinking demon blood. it's so much worse than we thought." Really?
CAS?! With the taking Anna away? Really? Now?!?! Well, maybe we'll finally get some motivation/explanation for her, later this episode or next?
BOBBY! (That's the hat I'm going to put on the ami!Bobby, in case anyone is curious. Because it's the one he wears most.)
Flurije is making Iso fly like a superhero. Heh.
Flurije says that Sam looks like Cro-Magnon Man. She makes me sad.
"How in hell'd he get out?" Well, think not so much hell.
If what Castiel did was righteous, why did he cover his tracks?
Pretty sure Bobby is also wearing pretty much the same clothes as in "Dream a Little Dream of Me." And the circles in this hotel room with Sam seem pretty familiar.
Coma!Ruby looks different.
"I had no idea that Dean would do that to you." Yeah, but frankly even if Dean hadn't Sam still wouldn't have had any Ruby blood. So I fail to see how the logic works here except in a manipulative Ruby way. There ain't no way she was just not around, seeking for Lilith for 3 weeks.
Maybe Ruby was actually off breaking seals.
Lucifer's First, eh?
Lilith eats babies? Of course she does. ::rolls eyes::
Wow, those nurses sure can ... not act.
I love that Corelle commercial.
Bobby changed his hat.
Sam hopes that when this is all over things can be okay again between him and Dean. And he voices the wish of a million fangirls.
I wish Sam could see Ruby's expression.
"Sam, you're lying to yourself." Well, you guys are lying liars who lie, so I suppose it's no surprise that he's lying to himself.
"Demon bitch is a dealbreaker." Hells yeah.
"I'm the only one who can do this, Dean." PRIDE. HUBRIS.
"It means you're a monster." Well, that was not the thing to be said. And that was quite the punch. I did not see the punch back coming, though.
Hm. We're in commercials again, and there are 7 minutes left. Assuming that at least one of those minutes is a SOON, there sure ain't much left for finishing up this episode... 6 minutes... still in commercial.
5 minutes left (not counting any SOON) and we're fighting. We're fighting. Oh boys. Other than the occasional swing (ala "Born Under a Bad Sign" we've never seen a a real fight between them.
"You walk out that door, don't you ever come back."
Two points:
1- what? to this room?
2- that worked so well when John said that when Sam went to Stanford.
Oh Dean.
Can't say it was the bestest episode ever, but it certainly was knife-twisty.