The Den of Angels forum is celebrating its 10th anniversary this year. To celebrate, they're having all kind of events and games. Some of these involve some lovely trips down memory lane to see old dolls again.
One of the threads was to post the evolution of your collection. So many dolls have come and gone in my collection in the past 9 years but here are some group photos :
These were my first two girls in 2005 : Soye (CH Ai Soye) and Miko (Unoa Fluorite)
This is my doll family in September 2006 : Soye and Nadia (Unoa Lusis)
This is most of my doll family in April 2007 : Soye, Maria, Miho (Unoa modded sleepyface) and Willow (Soom Elf Uyoo). Nadia isn't in the photo since she and Miho shared a body.
This was my doll family in November 2007 : Maria, Soye, Willow, Bram, Jin (Elfdoll Mir) and Abigail (Elfdoll Min). That's the largest my BJD family has ever been.
This was my doll family in May 2008 : Maria, Soye, Bram, Willow and Lily (Puki Pipi)
This was my doll family in April 2009 : Soye, Maria, Bram and Tanya (Supia Yan)
My doll family in June 2010 : Soye and Aiko (Volks Chika). Bram and Maria aren't in the photo.
My doll family in September 2011 : Soye, Maria, Bram and Nenad (Soom faery Nenad).
My doll family in November 2012 : Soye, Maria, Bram and Ling (Oasisdoll Linglan). I also had a Soom Faery Aenigma and Nenad back then but I never took a group picture of everyone together.
My doll family in September 2013 : Rise (Dollfie Dream Rise Kujikawa), Soye and Ling. Bram and Maria aren't in the photo.
My doll family in June 2014 : Ling, Maria, Soye and Bram. Rise isn't in the photo.
I left my Enchanted Dolls and Popovy doll out on purpose. Whilst they are technically BJDs, I see them more as artist dolls. Anyways, hope you enjoyed the little trip down memory lane. It's kinda crazy how my family changed over the years.