[Fanfic] Love at First Sight (Chapter 20)

Jan 21, 2007 18:28

Title: Love at First Sight (Chapter 20)
Pairings: Kusame (MAIN), Kusapi, Akame, RyoUeda, JunnoShige, Koyato, MassuTego, NakamaruMassu (?!?!?!?!)
Rating: PG-13/R
Warnings: Profanity
Synopsis: This is a fic lightly influenced by Shakesphere's Romeo and Juliet. Although the story itself takes place in modern times, you can see some parallelism from the actual play to my own fic. But yeah anyways, it's this whole theme of KATTUN versus NEWS rivalry thingie going on, blah blah blah. Why don't you give it a shot? :)

Chapter One can be found here.
Chapter Two can be found here.
Chapter Three can be found here.
Chapter Four can be found here.
Chapter Five can be found here.
Chapter Six can be found here.
Chapter Seven can be found here.
Chapter Eight can be found here.
Chapter Nine can be found here.
Chapter Ten can be found here.
Chapter Eleven can be found here.
Chapter Twelve can be found here.
Chapter Thirteen can be found here.
Chapter Fourteen can be found here.
Chapter Fifteen can be found here.
Chapter Sixteen can be found here.
Chapter Seventeen can be found here.
Chapter Eighteen can be found here.
Chapter Nineteen can be found

Chapter 20

“I honestly never imagined that I would ever be stuck in such a situation with you…because you are the last person I ever want to be in the same boat with…”

Akanishi Jin was responded with a hearty middle finger.

“Oh no, hell, you did NOT just flick me off right now.”

Yamashita Tomohisa let out a huge sigh. “Here we go again…”

“You think you’re all high and mighty! What gives you the fucking right to flick me off, I mean you have the NERVE to flick ME, Akanishi Jin!” Jin cried out as he stood from his seat, rocking the boat quite violently. Before he knew it, his head was hit by a flying cupid. “AH! SON OF A BITCH!”

Jin immediately sat back down as he rubbed his head fiercely, easing the pain. As for Yamapi…

“AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!” Yamapi burst into laughter. It was just all too funny. After all, Akanishi Jin got his head banged by a butt naked plastic cupid, what could be funnier than that?

“STOP LAUGHING!” Jin scowled as Yamapi ignored him. The boy continued to laugh angering Jin even more.


“Aheheheheh!” Jin mocked. “Well, fucker, I’ll give you something to laugh about!”

Before he knew it, Yamashita Tomohisa was drenched in water.

“How you like that bitch?” Jin smirked as he continued to splash the other boy.

“Argh, stop intoxicating my beautiful skin with that dirty water!” Yamapi screamed as he began splashing back at the other boy.

The two boys continued to splash at each other only to shake the poor boat violently only for it to…


The two boys fell in the pond as they were wet from head to toe. But they didn’t care. They continued to splash at each other violently. Yamapi grinned as he made waves of water at Jin’s direction only to be countered with doggy splashes from Jin.

As much as it was hard to believe, both Akanishi Jin and Yamashita Tomohisa were having fun…

…with each other.

“Now that looks romantic,” The cameraman smiled as he continued recording from the boat behind.

Masuda Takahisa felt like he was going to die. No, he wanted to die. He took another deep gulp as he looked down at his graded test with a huge red letter ‘F’ circled at the top. He hated history. Plus…he was then reminded of his deal with Nakamaru…not to mention the fact that his date with Tegoshi was tomorrow.

“Fuck!” Massu frowned as he crumpled the paper in his hand.

“Fuck what?”

Massu cringed at the last voice he wanted to hear. “Nothing!”

“Ohhh, what’s that in your hand?” Nakamaru peered over. “Hmmm…could it possibly be…YOUR TEST?”

Massu tensed at the word ‘test’ as Nakamaru immediately grabbed the wrinkly paper from his hand. He then looked down only for a huge smile to appear on his face.

“You couldn’t even get a C…what a shame really…”

“Shut the fuck up.”

“Nah…uh!” Nakamaru smiled as he shook his index finger. “You don’t speak like that to your master.”

“Argh!” Massu cried out in frustration.

“It’s Master Nakamaru to you!” Nakamaru smiled. “Oh and I guess I’ll be spending a lovely evening with Tegoshi tomorrow…”

“No! I am going on that date! I may be your slave but I REFUSE to let you go on that date-”

“Then I guess I’ll have to tell your father that you’re better off at boot camp…it’s a shame really to see no improvement…plus, as your master I command you to not go on that date.”

“Fucking bastard…” Massu gritted his teeth…he hated every second of it. But he knew that there was a way to get out of the situation…

“Well I need to go take a piss; I’ll be back in a minute and kindly tutor you…”

Massu watched as the other boy left his room. He reached for his phone as he let out a small hesitant sigh before dialing the number.

Kato Shigeaki let out a small gasp as he felt Junnosuke Taguchi’s lips on his neck, only for the moment to be ruined by Shige’s loud cell phone ring tone.

“Ah, sorry about that,” Shige smiled apologetically as he grabbed his phone. He took one look at the caller ID and let out a small sigh.

“Who is it?” Junno asked.

“It’s Massu…” Shige answered the phone. “What do you want?”

“Shige?” Massu sounded rushed on the phone.

“Yeah it’s me.”

“Do you think you can do me a huge favor?”


“Can you tutor me?”


“I promise I’ll do anything!”

“Can we talk about this later? I’m kind of busy right-”


Shige blinked as the phone died out on the other end. He then closed his phone and stuffed it into his pocket as he turned to Junno with a smile.

“Heh…uh…where were we?”

Tegoshi Yuya looked rather nervously at the scene before him. He didn’t really know why or what he was doing. It didn’t even benefit himself. He was only doing this for his friend, Uchi Hiroki, who happened to be freaking out over some upcoming fighting duel. But wasn’t Uchi’s actions a bit dishonorable?

Tegoshi decided to not say anything as he hid behind the bush alongside Uchi. The two boys were near a café where Tanaka Koki was supposed to meet someone. Uchi had a friend who was employed in the café and ordered the boy to put a strong laxative powder that would last for a few days in Koki’s drink.

“Ah! There he is!” Uchi exclaimed as he grabbed on to Tegoshi’s shoulder. “Look, he’s bringing the drink to Koki!”

The two boys watched as Koki received the drink from the waiter. Just as Koki was about to put it to his lips, he stopped and place his drink aside. He stood up and greeted his quest who happened to be his father.

“Damn it! Why’d his dad have to come?” Uchi began biting his thumb. “Hm, but maybe we could hear something useful from the conversation…”

“…” Tegoshi really had nothing to say.

“So, how’s your training going along?” Koki’s father asked as he turned to the waiter. “One black coffee please.”

“Uchi Hiroki is really no match for me…I’m not really worried about the outcome of that fight…” Koki replied.

“That’s what they all say and in the end watch that you end up on the floor. I won’t be shamed by you…” Koki’s father replied bluntly. “Because if you do by any chance happen to lose the fight…I’ll disown you…”

“W-What?” Koki almost choked on his spit. “Y-You’re joking, right?”

Koki’s father shook his head as he stood from his seat. “I’m dead serious, but I’m sure you are confident considering that you told me not to worry…”

“…” Koki could feel beads of sweat form from the back of his head.

“Check please…” Koki’s father left the table as he walked to the register.

Koki sat rather blankly as he stared at his drink before him.

“Uchi…” Tegoshi turned to the other boy. “We can’t let him drink that…”

“W-Why not?” Uchi frowned.

“Did you not hear their conversation? If he loses this fight, his father will disown him. If you lose the fight, your father will continue to love you. Isn’t it unfair?” Tegoshi bit his lips slightly.

“Just when did you start caring? Whose side are you on?” Uchi exclaimed. “He’s the enemy for fuck’s sake, who cares what his future is?”

“But still…even if he’s an enemy…” Tegoshi’s voice turned silent. “He’s still human…”

Tegoshi stood up from the bushes.

“Hey…Tegoshi! What do you think-”

“I’m going to stop him from drinking,” Tegoshi smiled as Uchi stared back in disbelief.

Tegoshi Yuya ran towards Tanaka Koki as he grabbed the cup from Koki’s hands.

“H-Hey!” Koki exclaimed as he looked at Tegoshi in surprise. “What the fuck?”

“You can’t drink this, it’s poisoned!” Tegoshi explained rashly.

“Um, yeah, whatever, dude you have money, go get your own!” Koki replied sarcastically as he reached for the cup. But just as Koki was going to snatch it away, Tegoshi immediately drank the liquid.

“ACK…” Tegoshi groaned.

“You are REALLY PISSING me off,” Koki snapped. “Geez, thanks a lot for drinking MY drink! Really, I don’t understand what goes through the mind of you Aoi High fuckers, just flying through here and taking my-”

Koki stopped as Tegoshi collapsed on to his table…

Koki eyes widened in surprise as he slowly walked over. He placed two of his fingers underneath the other boy’s nose.

Tegoshi Yuya was completely knocked out.

Uchi Hiroki couldn’t believe what he had just witnessed.

..to be continued..

A/N: Lol, is it just me or the chapters are getting shorter? Who actually likes long chapters? I know some people prefer short chapters yet others prefer long...I personally like writing long chapters but I don't want to bore the readers. XD;;

Anyways, I read everyone's comments to the prior chapter and I'm just really thankful and grateful towards them. Thank you so much for continuing to read this fic and supporting it. I really appreciate all the kind words that were thrown at me. Thanks. ♥
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