masterpost This is it, then :) I really hope you enjoyed reading - and thanks if you did!
I said I was thinking a lot about the skating programs and it's true. I might be a little overinvested in this fic ;) The rest of this post is just a skating vidspam, so feel free to ignore it if that's not your cup of tea.
There are a few descriptions in the text, and these are the programs I imagined while writing them:
Brad remembers him from the short program yesterday, he was skating to some music Brad didn’t really recognize, but it sounded nice. And his outfit was nice, too, no extra sequins nor ruffles in sight (say whatever you want, but Brad still thinks most of the costumes are ugly as hell). Oh, and apparently he’s some sort of a prodigy child and he’s younger than everyone else here. He does look like he’s seven.
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Brad is alone on the ice, standing in the middle, facing the judges’ stands. The first notes of the music reverberate through the air. Every day, every hour spent at the training, it all comes down to this - the few minutes of a program, when he’s left to his own devices, when there are only his skates between him and the ice.
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(this is the right music - just imagine this program with less flailing, okay?)
Nate skates a fast, jazzy routine, and he’s - he’s flawless, almost flying through every jump and when he’s halfway through the program, Brad realizes that he’s going to skate the whole thing perfectly. Nate looks like he still can’t really believe it when he hits the ending pose, after a combination of dizzying spins. His smile is blinding and Brad watches him on a small monitor in the mixed zone, reporters chattering excitedly around him.
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Nate makes his comeback:
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The fic ends just before the 2011 Nationals, but I wouldn’t be myself if I didn’t think about their programs:
Nate’s short program:
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Nate’s free skate:
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Brad’s short program:
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Brad’s free skate:
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(I must admit I was seriously tempted to choose