Jan 29, 2009 00:42
Title: Orphans No Longer
Challenge: 2- Being Late
Genre: angst, fluff
Rating: K+
Characters/Fandom: Young Riders, Emma, Buck and Jimmy
Spoilers/Warnings: Pilot
Notes: My new fandom! -hugs it- Anyway hope you enjoy
Emma leaned against the fencepost, her eyes scanning the distant hills. Sunset was coming, a storm was setting in and Jimmy was late. She told Teaspoon the day the boys came that they weren’t orphans as long as they were here. At first it was because they needed her, now it was because she needed them. She needed to see them breathing and laughing, eating and riding. And every time they were late it got harder.
“I’m sure he’s fine Emma,” Buck commented, coming up behind her with the stealth of his people.
“I just wish he’d stop being late.”
young riders