Old But Shiny

Jan 12, 2007 20:11

You know, like that cutlery you never let anyone touch.

Courtesy most recently of fandom_memes. Who started it? Frell if I know.

"Jot down the names of twelve characters before viewing the questions. Then answer them and share the hilarity that results!"

Skewed a bit towards Doctor Who, but that's only because there are so damn many to choose from:

1. Integra (Hellsing)
2. Eric Draven (The Crow)
3. Eighth Doctor (Doctor Who)
4. Vislor Turlough (Doctor Who)
5. Kate Lockley (Angel)
6. Fifth Doctor (Doctor Who)
7. Erimem (Doctor Who - Big Finish)
8. Number Seventeen (DragonBallZ)
9. Elphaba (Wicked)
10. Connor (Angel)
11. Angel (BtVS/Angel)
12. Kikyou (Inuyasha)

1. Have you read a Six/Eleven (Five/Angel) fic? Do you want to?

...No, I haven't. I suppose the logistics could work because, well, Doctor Who. The two might team up against some Great Evil or another, and I don't see them being antagonistic to eachother (barring the vampire issues), but romance? An author would have to work fairly hard. [strike]Although, Five might remind him of Wesley...[/strike]

2. Do you think Four (Turlough) is hot? How hot?

Turlough is attractive in his own way, but...if I liked men I doubt he'd be my type? Beauty, beholder, yada yada yada.

3. What would happen if Twelve (Kikyou) got Eight (Seventeen) pregnant?

Confusion. Angst. Mass destruction.

4. Can you rec any fic(s) about Nine (Elphaba)?

Several. Here's another.

5. Would Two (Eric) and Six (Five) make a good couple?

I doubt Eric could move on from Shelly even if he wanted to, and Five would never try to make him even if he harboured an interest. If this was set before his death, before meeting Shelly, then...well, they'd contrast, perhaps in a good way. Might be a little bit like early Eight/Fitz in a way.

6. Five/Nine (Kate/Elphaba) or Five/Ten (Connor)? Why?

Kate/Elphaba, because the thought of Kate dating Angel's son is...odd and unsettling. Besides, the two of them share cynicism, determination, family issues, isolation, an iron will...good Gods, this could work.

7. What would happen if Two (Erimem) walked in on Three (Eight) and Twelve (Kikyou) having sex?

She would wonder how the hell these strangers got in the TARDIS and imperiously threaten them for answers. Then she'd call the Doctor - her Doctor - and there would be much embarassment on all sides.

8. Make up a summary for a Three/Ten (Eight/Connor) fic.

When the Doctor takes on a young man as a new companion, he expects him to be an average human. When they eventually face the horrors of his past together, a bond develops that neither ever expected.

9. Is there any such thing as One/Eight (Integra/Seventeen) fluff?

No. I doubt either is actually capable of fluff.

10. Suggest a title for a Seven/Twelve (Erimem/Kikyou) hurt/comfort fic.

Beyond Their Time

11. What kind of plot device would you use if you wanted Four (Turlough) to deflower One (Integra)?

Earth vampires and renegade Great Vampires team up against Hellsing. The Doctor and Turlough attempt to interfere, and are aided by Integra after some interrogation. Naturally, she and Turlough end up locked somewhere cold, dark and small.

12. Does anyone on your friends list read Seven (Erimem) slash?

I don't think so, but I would.

13. Does anyone on your friends list read Three (Eight) and Seven (Erimem) het?


14.Does anyone on your friends list write or draw Eleven (Angel)?

Not as far as I know.

15. Would anyone on your friends list write Two/Four/Five? (Eric/Turlough/Kate)

I don't think anyone on my friends list is in all three of those fandoms.

16. What might Ten (Connor) scream at a moment of great passion?

Nothing coherent.

17. If you wrote a song-fic about (Seventeen), which song would you choose?

Dark Side Stories

18. If you wrote a One/Six/Twelve (Integra/Five/Kikyou) fic, what would the warnings be?


19. What might be a good pick-up line for Two (Eric) to use on Ten (Connor)?

There isn't one.

20. When was the last time you read a fic about Five (Kate)?

Ages, there aren't nearly enough out there.

21. What is Six's (Five's) super-secret kink?


22. Would Eleven (Angel) shag Nine (Elphaba)? Drunk or Sober?

Angel might want to, doubt Elphaba would be interested.

23. If Three (Eight) and Seven (Erimem) get together, who tops?


Do you know, this gets even stranger when you think of it in Doctor Who terms, at least for the first ten numbers.
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