Did you miss me?

Oct 01, 2007 21:36

OH SHIT! You're On Notice:

So its been awhile, eh? And to get things re-started with a bang, I'll begin by complaining. And credit must be given to ardentdelerium for the on notice generator...

So you're driving down a two lane stretch of highway, and there's a tunnel coming... Why does everyone slow down? Afraid of the dark? Confused as to why the road seems to dive into the water up ahead?

They're re-doing the roof on my building, I can handle that. But they came in and strung plastic sheeting across all the ceilings on the inside, to protect crap from falling down onto our desks, makes sense, I can handle that too. Wouldn't want bits of asbestos ridden ceiling insulation falling down on the workers... BUT the damn AC vents are up there too! So the area above the plastic is nice and cool, I'm sure. Down here? Not so much...

The NFL is on notice simply because EVERY STINKIN' UNDERDOG WON THIS WEEK! My picks were SCREWED and I'm going to have to split buying pizza tomorow with Brian, unless Arif does worse. =/

Fredericksburg is now the bane of my existance whenever I am south of civilization on 95. I jumped off to run up rte 1 instead, and THAT was freakin packed too! Grrr...

We have some pretty fantastic snack machines here at work. There are 4 kitchens, each has 3 machines and about 1/2 of the products in them are tastey. EXCEPT THEY'RE ALL ALWAYS EMPTY. I don't like being teased. Oh, and a few months ago they put in an ice cream machine. ICE CREAM! It was emptied the first week and hasn't been touched since. =(

Its really hard for a woman to lose custody of her children in the courts. Britney, you're a fraking idiot. Give up on everything, please.

Ants: Just because. I still like spiders though.

And NoVEC, my local electric co-op. Their service is fantastic, and we rarely have outages (except the first summer we moved into the new house, but that was cause our 'hood was killing their infrastructure) and I've been a happy customer of thiers since I first became a customer in 1994. But therein lies the problem... They're a co-op, so there's some sort of customer-ownership thing going on. We get dividends, in the form of bill credits every year. Well, somehow the account that I had in 1994 ended up with a $140 balance in shares of the co-op, so in addition to the bill credits each current year, I get a check in the mail for a few dollars every October. This year, it was $4.28. I CAN'T EVEN GET A COFFEE AT STARBUCKS FOR THAT!?! Egad, close the stinking account! All it does is make me feel bad for cashing a $4 check each year that addressed to both me and my former room mate without cutting her in on her share. Tomi, next time you're in town I'll take you out for a $5 coffee. Ha.

Things I've discovered since I last posted:

Las Vegas is unbearable in August. The heat isn't so bad once you get used to it, its just too damn bright! You have to wear sunglasses all the time or get blinded by the light reflecting off all the sand and white concrete!

Some people put both shoes on at once (who knew?) and those people will make fun of you for doing it one shoe at a time.

Growing a beard keeps you from getting carded EVERYWHERE.

Utz chips, while fantastic as a side dish, are not suitable as a topping on a ham and provalone sandwich. Doritos work much better.

Gambling is funnest when you keep your money lost fairly close to the value of coctails consumed.

Facebook allows someone to specify how you met someone when you accept a friend request, one of the options is 'we hooked up a long time ago'. Haha. Awesome. I'm totally going to fuck with people with that one.

Things I did this past weekend:

Drove for hours, got stuck in traffic multiple times, but finally made it to the beach to visit Ames. While there, I:
- bought a new practice amp
- got way too drunk on the first night, and scared away one of Ames' boys
- figured out that futons are uncomfortable both on and off the frame, alone and with another person to sleep on
- re-affirmed that punk-rock cashiers at malls are flirtier with me the further I am from home.
- realized that having a scruffy unkempt beard doesn't deter them.
- I also realized that I'm glad I didn't tough it out and open my own record store. One Sunday off a month? Funk dat, yo.

Things to look forward to:

A fancy dinner this weekend
Minus the Bear next week
A fancy wine and cheese party next weekend
A mining field trip the weekend after that

Projects I hope to get to before Christmas if school doesnt kill me:

Picking up speakers for the upstairs
Painting my room
Building a M.A.M.E machine
Buying a combo pool/air hockey table
Having a kick ass party when #3 and #4 are done.

Also, Heroes is back, and its awesome.

my boring life, grrr, terrible photography, sports don't thrill me, work sucks, school

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