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Apr 05, 2006 16:42

i feel obliged to update, since everyone seems to have done so. so deal with the banal nature of my life.

i've been happier this sem. which is wierd because the only hours of remote freedom are sundays and even then it's filled with assignments and projects. i got a new job, as a dental assistant, or nurse if that's what takes your fancy. ;) working thurs nights (no more night shop), and all of sat. it's good pay, and i generally like sucking blood. not to mention plaque. med-wise is good, i don't have time to think about much else, but i feel really satisfied with what i'm learning and applying it. i think my life is shifting toward a patient-centered model...if any of 'my' patients has anything up, i generally think only of them...same for patients at work. which is a very bad thing for catherine.
glad to say i've gotten over my prior madness, and work is good for things like that. and life is generally on the up-side. met someone else i'm actually rather interested in, also in med so that's convenient or disastrous, depends on your view. it still doesn't help that they're a socialist as well...haha maybe that's the kind of thing i have a fetish for. but things are looking good which is great!

so in general, i'm having a great time, just thought for once i can say that instead of whinging.

[EDIT] actually while i'm looking at all these malignant neoplasm histology slides, i feel compelled to give another public health message to my flist. Please. Quit. Smoking. or don't start. Please. if not for your sake, then for mine. i would be sorely pained to see any of this happen to you.
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