(no subject)

Nov 27, 2005 21:12

1. Take the lyrics to a favorite song.
2. Go to Google Language Tools and translate the lyrics into German; then from German to French; and finally from French back into English.
3. Post the results verbatim.
4. Invite your friends to guess the song based on the newly mangled lyrics. (don't bother about this one for me lol, it's in chinese)

I cheated and used babelfish 'cause google lanugage tools doesn't have chinese traditional.

violent one flame duty the hand in
the chaotic one to shine pain to give up,
for itself after still aspiring to perhaps suffer the wound
hatred like borrowing to even absorb, secrecy,
which it midnight, which careful to exceed,
this fragmentary pure to penetrate,
for difficult, difficult studying, studying,
like the true one and to falsify to swim imprudent each quarter tear to run
I to confuse and they to conclude,
with which to cause with which,
to live the life false Compunction, difficult,
one to disturb weak trace not to include/understand,
for itself in my heart on side then free to never place to miss,
for itself like being able to compare to wash

the original chinese:
烈燄在亂灼 灼痛應放手
手偏仍渴望 擁有
是恨或是愛 愛借抑愛偷
偷得緣半夜 苦透
透過這零星碎片蹤跡 難追究
難追究 真真假假飄飄忽忽
難參透 紛紛擾擾絲絲點點
偏偏心中的思念 從未妥協

lost in translation indeed.
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