Oct 08, 2023 12:02
My relationship with you is at the point where it is negatively affecting Dorian. The only visible manifestation of this is when I text you. She gets angry when I do so. She also gets angry if you happen to respond to those texts. For the time being however, she is allowing me to instead email you once per day, with the understanding that arbitrary frequency may change in the future depending upon how she feels with the new routine.
She's also decided she's not a polyamorist. I am okay with that - I knew that walking into this relationship and greatly appreciate her open-mindedness into the years she spent considering it. Unfortunately this has led her to now stating that any ethical non-monogamy is in fact, "cheating" on your spouse, which leads me to assume while she's decided she's not a polyamorist, now I shouldn't be one either.
Lastly, she feels my need for connection may be a flaw, and hopes to correct it with therapy; that somehow my need in seeking connection is caused by either her not providing for me in some way which would make it unnecessary, and/or me not focusing on our relationship enough to nullify it.
I am intimately familiar with where this level of control leads, but will, for the time being, acquiesce to her demands until we see how all this plays out.