For Olbermann fans only « The Fourth Wave Twas the night before Festivus, when all through the blog
Not a creature was stirring, not even a frog.
The photos were hung by the bloggers with care,
In hopes that Keith Olbermann soon would be there.
The bloggers were nestled all snug in their beds,
While visions of Keithiness danced in their heads.
And CLL in her snuggies, and caul in his cap
Had just settled their brains for a two week nap.
When out on the blogosphere there arose such a clatter,
to a man they hit keyboards to see what was the matter.
Away to the terminal I flew like a flash,
Opened the window and threw up the cache.
The brightness and constrast of the just opened screen
Gave the brilliance of kodachrome to objects then seen,
When, what to my wondering eyes did appear
But Countdown himself and his guests very near.
With this merry person, someone also in tow
I knew in a moment it was Rachel Maddow....