Car windows smashed, GPS units stolen WEST WINDSOR -- Thieves struck at the MarketFair shopping plaza on Route 1 as two GPS navigation units were stolen from vehicles at about the same time, according to police.
Detectives believe burglars broke into a car parked outside of P.F. Chang's sometime between 6:30 and 9 p.m. on Thursday by smashing the driver's side window, which cost $250 to repair. Police said a $200 GPS unit was taken by the thieves, who broke into another car just across the shopping center.
Outside TGI Friday's restaurant, a $450 GPS was stolen after a front window on the passenger side was smashed between 7 and 9 p.m. The damage cost $250.
Police are advising mall shoppers to hide their GPS units, as well as the suction cup mounts that hold the device, before leaving their cars.
Yuck! This mall is only 5 minutes from where I live. I need to start taking my GPS suction cup mount out when I'm not using the GPS. Sure, it's a pain in the butt, but dealing with car insurance and getting my window replaced is an even bigger pain in the button.