Sep 30, 2010 12:17
Y'know, I know bell hooks talks about forms of domination in terms of men and women as well as parent over child, but I wonder if anyone has ever explored the power dynamics of a classroom.
Well, today has sucked. I tried so hard to finish my reading last night, but fell asleep while in the middle of it and, well, determined not to be a zombie I decided to quit for then and wake up early to try and finish. Woke up early, tried reading, felt cold and ill and hungry and tired and didn't get to finish in time before class. And then at Women's Studies we had a quiz to see if we'd been reading, and I was, well, annoyed. The ONE TIME I did not finish the reading in the past six weeks or so of this class, and I had a quiz on it. I'm a good student, I swear. I've been good at keeping up with my readings for my classes (Hijab was a challenge at first, but I think I've worked out a system for it now). Just, I...argh. Argh argh argh. The discussion wasn't bad, it was pretty interesting--we tangented onto the educational system for a long time. And then she talked about our essays and how we were doing things incorrectly when we didn't know we were and how her standards are different from everyone else's including the writing center we're supposed to visit and...blah. So now I need to revise three essays, go to the writing center for at least one, I think, probably talk to her and/or find a way to talk to some of her former students for help. Everyone had a panicked "deer in the headlights" expression of "How the HELL are we going to be able to do all that?!" I guess we'll have to figure it out. Looking on it now, I guess it's feasible (at least more so than when I was fuming about it earlier), but at this point I've just figured "Oh well, add it to the to-do pile and move on." I don't really know if there's much else I can do at this point.
Now you see why I made the classroom power dynamics comment earlier. See, there was a reason!
I also need to start working on her midterm which was thankfully pushed back to the next Monday instead of that Friday--that's when the revised papers are due.
Also I'm a little worried that the book I have for my Peoples of Latin America class isn't the right one, because on the syllabus it said to read chapter nine...aaaand my book only goes to chapter seven. So I think my edition is too early. Well, I borrowed a book from the store during work, so I got it done, I just also facepalmed when I realized the problem.
I seriously hope the rest of my day becomes better.
Does anyone remember that rap song, "Fiesta?" It just played on the radio. And there was another rap song that referenced the "Slumdog Millionaire" movie. And now there's a Sean Paul song. This has been a weird radio day at work.
**To make it even better, I just screwed up a buyback order because I pressed a button and the computer threw a fit. I'm just going to go cry in a corner now.
women's studies,