Mar 18, 2007 13:48
Since it has been something like 9 months since I last updated my live journal I thought it might be a good idea to make an entry.
For those who don't know I have finally put my notice at Toys R Us. April 1st will be my last day and no its not a joke. I am currently employed with a great company Echelon Consulting. I have been working on the back end for a dynamic website. I was working on the baseball stats portion of the page.
I'm hoping with in the next 2 years that I will be looking for a place within the city to live. I have bills and such to pay off first and once I save up enough money I am going to look for a place in Chicago to live and finally move out of the house permanently. I'm still living the single life. I'm not the biggest fan but thats the way it is sometimes. I think once things get more settled I will try an d be more active so that I can perhaps meet someone special.