Feb 25, 2008 00:01
Last night I was sleeping away pretty good when the dog (that damned dog!) decided she needed to get up in the middle of the night. Not so strange, dogs don't keep a very normal schedule. Unfortunately, instead of going right back to bed she decided to run downstairs, bounce on my bed and lick my head, waking me up. This is bad. Bad because in my post-chemo state I'm a little hypermetabolic and it's hard for me to sleep through the night, or even fall asleep. So here it is 3:30 AM or so and I'm wide the fuck awake. I turned the ol' computer on and dinked around for an hour. I'm still really tired and really awake. After about an hour of this I decide to have another go at falling asleep. I reached over and grabbed a CD out of my stack of classical music, popped it into the CD-ROM drive, fired up the music and curled up in bed. After about a half an hour or something I drifted off to sleep. This morning I woke up around 9:30 and was feeling pretty good. That's when it hit me. The CD I had grabbed that had done such a good job lulling me to sleep?
Rimsky-Korsakov's Sheherazade