Saint Petersburg : beginning of the season

Jun 08, 2014 20:04

russian version

"Walk! On street! On the air!" - these phrases more often swirling in my head. How long can I sit at home, at work, on a chair behind the monitor. Dash it - going out!..
Better to leave the premises, than to languish in it. Better to shoot photos some hours than to sit as much time for processing them. Largely for this reason - only now, when the summer came, we publish our photo-story about the spring period of our creativity.
So, now you see the first part of our adventures - from the ground :)

We somehow unobtrusively this time took very brisk pace and went out on the street with the equipment behind almost every morning and evening. Now it is funny to remember but then our faces looked very gray: constant lack of sleep comes through every our day, in each of our meeting. Physical and emotional exhaustion caught us in a first couple of days and lasted about a month almost without interruption.


And there was a very simple explanation: at this time we were still able to dock subway's open hours and relatively late sunrises and resorted in time to the desired point of shooting before switching off the city lighting, regardless of the remoteness.


But this segment hadn't lasted long and after a couple of weeks we were in the first subway trains, otherwise there was a risk of miss the dawn. Constant lack of sleep - half-forgotten feelings from two springs ago, there is a kind of set beyond reality in them, the perception of the world was changing: everything becomes so stretchy, floowy and smoooth.


Lifetime is much more varied, though in a drowse, than when being in clear consciousness doing the same thing in a circle.


And the weather was surprising constantly: it was snowing when nothing presaged the return of winter; long-awaited reflections on the rivers appeared and as quickly escaped; ice drift on Neva slipped per night and returned for half of the day seem week later; heaven "drifted" so that in one day the weather could change 20 times.




This spring I made for myself one more discovery: I have much more fun to shoot in the morning than at sunset. At least in the city. At sunrise there is less fuss, few people woke up yet, the streets are deserted. Nothing detracts from the contemplation aesthetics.


In the evening the city is buzzing, wheezing, beeping - all shrouded in a noise veil. At morning there is more an element of mystery, imagination enlivened, drawing different pictures in the dark, from which light is born gradually, and how it dawns - only the sky knows. At sunset you see more what's happening, how the sky fades, fantasy draws almost nothing, it only creates variations of sun show.


Often the ethalon "plague card" is considered to be an embellished dawn with red-purple-scarlet sky. After all, the sky is our all. This is almost the only thing where nature can manifest itself in all its glory within the metropolis, thanks that in jungle of brick and concrete there still have palaces, trees, parks and rivers.


And what about the beautiful condition - it's still a topic for debate. So I will not even start the conversation. To say from myself: I notice that over time my attitude towards natural events becomes more diverse, now I enjoy all weather conditions: I can enjoy the heavy gray sky not less than an explosion of colors on it.


In general now I'm able to see my previous preferences from the side. Attitude to photo-walking change fundamentally. Previously they were somehow more restless, with tremor inside. Photographing stood in first place in the priorities, and in case of fail I was very upset for a long time. In this season I have less worries about unmet expectations and these are less now. It became much more interesting to watch, learn, explore the city.


No matter if you take pictures or not, appears a sunset or rain - if you intently eyeing the conditions in which you're here and now. Comes the understanding that in any situation you can see the amazing and beautiful, if you are not obsessed with fussiness. So gradually fading away patterns of beauty - and the place where you are in a serene mood appreciate easily. And you suddenly find the perfect where you  would never have noticed at another scenario.


And the presence of bright colors in the sky and the city illumination are not necessarily. The important thing is how you feel everything around.


It turned interestingly to mix shooting from the ground and from the roofs. Involuntarily comparing and realize that from the ground is more interesting exactly to photograph: a lot more variants, you can freely play with point of shooting, arrange composition to your liking.


On the roofs there're no less interest, but the choice is very limited. And on the ground - step left, right, three steps back, and so on - turning as you want, and again - the front plan.


And so well-known city that shooted billions of times, can suddenly be transformed on pictures because you were here and now and saw your own Petersburg, caught it own shape.


It is difficult for me to describe each of these states: wordings - only a shadow of experienced feelings. Maybe our photos can contribute a little. As usual, the pictures that close to you cause personal memories, warm the soul and make you smile.


As classic I.A.Goncharov said in his novel 'Ordinary Story': "Petersburg has been described long, and that is not described, it is necessary to see by yourself..."
Take a look around without running into walls of convictions, go out into the air often, no matter where you live: in city on the Neva river, or in a completely different place or country. Any journey, even an hour long, gives us our own, unique and unforgettable experience. Unless, of course, we shall open to them...


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read also:

Saint Petersburg : spring from roofs

cityscape, russia, saint petersburg

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