Step one: No school today- slept in as late as I wanted!
Step two: Mmmm. Pizza sub sandwiches in oven baking.
Step three: Unexpected tax return! Hopefully mailed promptly and so going towards my own mask! Wheee!
Step four: No library fines- clean slate! (mmm...library books...mmmm...)
Step five: Cheap duct-tape bandaids. Duct-tape is officially my favorite form of owie bandage, narrowly beating out the Shrek ones I bought two years ago.
Step six: Spanish dreams! I woke up dizzy and disoriented and with a sudden understanding of the past tense. Very cool.
Step seven: New cat. Adorable, fuzzy, obnoxiously attached to me, and completely insane. Awwwwww.
Step eight: Practice tonight, WITH an
eithni sleepover to follow! WOW! WOOOT!
...gosh, I hope they don't cancel because of the weather. That would be suckage squared.
...oh, would you look at the time. I guess I have to go-- a nap beckons.
...hee hee hee...neener neener!