May 18, 2016 18:00
Before I was into Lolita, I had another J-fashion interest Decoden. I really enjoyed the very cute look of it and dreamed about making my own. Since I was rather picky, and don't like the exstra fees of getting cheap plastic cakes marked as 1 euro(and manufactured for 1 cent), I ended making my items.
Wich ended up in donuts, macarons, swiss rolls and a rather crappy looking cover. I was pretty terrible to it.
But what happened to the trend? Decorate your phone, I think most electronics is really boring, because theyre all grey, black or white.
The reason I got out of decoden, was major hobbycompany took some stuff home, first of all their basic items was overpriced and secondly the decor was really ugly. Cheap rhinstones instead of delicious relastic looking bread and cake. Not really my thing.