Merlin Rambles, 5-8

Dec 10, 2008 02:53

Without further ado, I give you these:

Fifth Episode: Lancelot

No more CGI vs real people fight scenes please. They look baaaaaaaad.

Lancelot is a commoner, eh? How did he learn to fight? Where did he get the expensive sword? I'm also glad he isn't French, that's just silliness.

Devoted his life to combat? Really? Just found some convenient local academy? Hogwarts or the Heroes Guild, perhaps?

Oh sweet jeebers the dopiness of Gwen and Lancelot. And what about her and Merlin? What the dooby?

Crazy sword drills. Crazy crazy crazy.

Arthur is a better swordsman. Hands down. Lancelot is watching Arthur's sword (or broom handle in this case) and he should be watching his opponent.

"Congratulations Lancelot. You just made basic training." What is this, the Marine Corps?

Oh come on Gaius, griffon's are classical monsters. Not hard to work it out...

Lancelot has good, sensible armour. Arthur's is still annoying me. But Lancelot's helmet is ugly.

Oh, the edge-on-edge parrying again. Why must people be so stupid...

That was an easy process. I wish I could get knighted that fast.

Hehehe Geoffrey of Monmouth. Hehehe...

O.O Merlin talking to Gwen about Arthur or Lancelot. So very slashy.

Oooooh I'm a sanctimonious prig and they caaaaall meeee UUuuuuuuuutheeeeeer....

Technically, lying about one's pedigree is not breaking the First Code in and of itself, I don't think...I'm sure it breaks another one but that seems like a lazy stretch there...

Ok, the griffon does look good flying around. For a not-dragon anyway.

The knights look like Leonidas' Spartans from 300. But less awesome.

If Arthur had decent armour he could use the spear properly. That is, overarm. Oh. Yes, like that. NO! Back the way it was before...why did the spear break? I presume the griffon is suddenly made of metal...

The knights are pretty crap. They hardly proved they were the "best in the land", Uther.

Gaius definitely wants Merlin. In the pants. Before the Socialism. In accordance with the prophecy.

Lancelot is another Yoda. "Go, I must."

Also, how was it that Gwen had another, identical set of armour for Lancelot.

More Lancelot nonsense - where did he learn to JOUST?! It took centuries to perfect the couched lance...whiiiich he isn't using. He's apparently going to break his arm instead...

That lance probably should have broken, too...

Sixth Episode: A Remedy to Cure All Ills

Oooh runes...

I like the scar make-up and the massive coat, too.

Diagnosis, yay! Anachwoniswm!

Edwin has an accent similar to Bill Nighy's.

DID YOU KNOW? Earwigs cause cerebral hemorrhages. Srsly.

Merlin has the common sense of a brain-dead rabbit.

I get weirded out by Arthur running all these errands.

Why is Edwin present in the discussion between Uther and Gaius? It makes no sense...


Uther, in bed, drinking the potion thingy, leaned on what was supposedly his bad arm. Tsk, tsk.

RING OF FIRE! Merlin, learn that spell, it's awesome.

Gaius has called him a prodigy before. So genius ain't much of a step up when you think about it.

He's a freeman, yay. Except...we never knew he was anything else, so it has somewhat less meaning.

Seventh Episode: The Gates of Avalon

'Sophia' looks about 13

I love Merlin's smirk at Arthur - Sophia

I dunno if I'd go with "very beautiful", she's more cutesy than anything else. I mean, hello, MORGANA AND GWEN

Gaius' solution to every problem: TAKE MORE DRUGS

Ahahahahahha "I'll be your best friend for EVA if you do this!!!"

What is it with Arthur and enjoying being in the stocks...

Everything about the Arthur/Morgana relationship is so aggressively juvenile...

I think Merlin is less in love with Arthur than living vicariously through him...

Just for that laugh, I love Uther. Anthony Head for King of England!

This is Morgana's first proper chance to develop and I like it. She's actually got some character now.

Eighth Episode: The Beginning of the End

Why doe the tiny boy have a TATTOO?

Also how did I not notice the silvered mirrors...

Ok the little 'make the boots walk' spell is stupid (Merlin seems to be telekinetic anyway) but SO CUTE

A SEINFELD QUOTE...hehehehe...

Medieval medicine seems to be based around water...every episode people keep bringing more fresh water...

Clearly we have director with a sense of physical humour. Lots of little magic jokes moving things around...

Again with the mucking out. Stablehands do that. BAH.

Once again, it has spoilers.


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