
Jul 16, 2007 17:44

So it started to look like everything was working out beautifully.

Oops, just kidding.

My truck broke on the west coast, my sweetie's truck broke here on the east coast. 
Said west coast truck made it here to VT and broke again. 
I came up here to pick up my yurt to put it up on MW's land outside Asheville; then the day before I left town one of the landmates dropped the bomb on me that I couldn't move out there with my dog.  I still have to move the yurt and i'm still homeless and my dog is still living seven states away from me (although he's in my lap right now).
While on the west coast Josh broke my fragile little heart by being a really bad polyamorous communicator.
So i cut all my hair off.
And my friends bought me a plane ticket to Vermont.
Then the neighbors across the street in Asheville started waging a full-blown class war on us;
They decided to start this while we're a thousand miles away.
The Po-Po came and discarded of Mosca's memorial, without warning.
Then they towed our cars to a secret location
and we couldn't track them down after calling every towing company in the phone book (18 of them). 
We supposedly need to remove EVERYTHING except approved Lawn Furniture from the yard or else we will be fined $50/day. 
And one roommate is out of town for months and the other is moving out at the end of the month, oh and she called today to say that she's locked out of the house.
And we're still a thousand miles away.
I'm supposed to be back to school in two days
and I can't even find the part I need to make my truck go again.
I'm on vacation but I have spent the entire time on the telephone, getting crazy calls about craziness.
My dog got skunked and I can't figure out if I have a yeast infection or poison ivy on my twat,
I'm pretty positive that it's both.
I'm broke and transportation-less; all in all my attempt to show Josh every great swimming hole and chooch ride a Vermonster could ever ask for
turned into being stranded, taking up space in someone else's home.  Oops.

The good:

-Power outages while we were in an EMS store
-Trader Joe's Dumpster (i mean, duh)
-And This Guy:

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