May 22, 2012 15:00
Hey everyone!
So I've moved finally!
It has finally happened, I can't believe it sometimes. And it's hard to believe that it's MY place, not someone I'm living with etc. it's just...great :)
We're still settling in and there is a ton of stuff to do...but we're getting there. Our office is the most cluttered, and can't wait to get that nice and clean :)
I'm going to be perfectly honest and say that I have not been keeping up with lj. There is a lot I have missed. I have, however, been keeping up with the Arashi communities and news. But if we're talking Arama, I'm not even gonna try. Been thinking I might have to let that go, as much as I like reading about japanese pop culture news and such. It will be hard to let it go, honestly I think. On the other hand there is a lot of crap I have to sift through
Other than that, I LOVE THE FACE DOWN PV WHAT ABOUT YOU GUYS??? seriously, I mean, I should watch it a million more times based on how much I liked it, but the first view through I was just so excited, really. And Face Down as a song is super good, too! My copy and the Beautiful World Concert Dvd was shipped like 2 days ago and I cannot wait!!!
And lastly, I've been practicing my Japanese as much as possible, but I've been focusing a lot on speaking instead of vocab and I can already feel it slipping from me.. Vocab words, that is Σ( ̄ロ ̄lll) but it's great that in finally getting the speaking practice in! Yay!
So tell me what you guys have been up to! What's going on in your lives???
japanese (日本語),