I'm back!!
So my computer went down for.. basically a week because I wanted had to upgrade it.. and then some other unavoidable things happen.. BUT the good news is -- I now have a quad-core processor with 8GB of RAM and a brand new shiny motherboard and HDD :D (In case some of you don't know, one of my side hobbies is poking around computers and doing fun geeky things to them)
Unfortunately I don't really have time to make a huge long post, but we're ALMOST moved out I am SO EXCITED!!!!. Only 1 more full day, then after work on Tuesday we are officially moved in.
This is how I feel right about now:
but I am SO TIRED T____T
We packed literally all day today and still not done.. I can see that this is gonna be a hectic next couple of days. But I'm doing my best. Once I get into the new place and then get our internet set up I think I will make a nice little post of me screaming my head off XD and hopefully I can make a video post of my new place! :D Yaayyy!!
So excited.