(no subject)

Jan 06, 2008 14:24

Title: Mark S-19
Fandom: Original
Characters/Pairing: Janus, Mark
Genre: General
Rating: PG

"Sweet. There is no other word to describe how utterly sweet this is."

"I'm glad you're happy about this, Janus, but can't you order something next time that doesn't weigh roughly four hundred pounds?" It was the delivery man who had been servicing Janus Stag's apartment building for nearly ten years, and had even helped the young man bring his furniture up when he had moved in. To the fourth floor.

Janus apparently had the bad habit of ordering things that weighed an obscene amount, mostly computer equipment because the kid was a nerd.

Brown eyes sparkled beneath shaggy black and unkempt bangs, fixed firmly on the tall crate being slid carefully from a gravity-dolly onto his threadbare carpet. Four years of saving every penny was finally going to count for something. He would have his computer, and she would be a hot computer! So excited was the programmer that his signature looked more like a child's scrawl than it usually did. Wordlessly, he handed the authorization pad to the delivery man and took to tearing open his package.

"Should I leave you two alone?" Berrel tipped his hat back with his thumb, amused. Of course he knew what Janus had ordered; the man wouldn't shut up about it ever since he did.

"No, no, that'll come later," Janus chuckled, feverishly yanking on the industrial cardboard to reveal the powerful titanium casing in which his computer was enclosed. "You need to be here so you can spread the word of how incredibly attractive my computer is."

"You're a weird guy," Berrel muttered, crossing his arms and watching. It was better than delivering packages to other boring people. The brown packaging paper slid away and revealed the metal crate, pressure locked with an authorization keypad. Hopping from foot to foot, Janus punched in the code he had received via e-mail the other day, grinning like a school girl on prom night.

The front hatch popped and gave a loud hiss of escaping air, presenting a ridge for Janus to dig his fingers into and yank open with an almost desperate fervor. "There she is!"

Sightless grey eyes towered over him. Auburn hair jutted out in an unruly mop atop the computer's head, framing a baby face with charmlingly plump cheeks. Broad shoulders framed a-

"That's a guy!!"

original, drabble, general

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