The sun is back - yay!
my window with the diana lens on the camera just now (the window fogginess isn't all diana's doing though - some of this is that I just have a very dirty window)
while walking rossy to the bus stop i noticed the bright dew drops on the grass - the light bubble in the picture was a pleasant surprise
These pictures are straight from the camera - I only cropped them and added the black border. I really like that plastic Diana lens.
I woke up this morning to a message from someone on etsy requesting a special piece. I know I very recently said no more commissions but there is something in me that *sort of* wants the challenge. She named about 6 pieces of mine that she "loved" so she really likes my style in general and was excessive with her praise about everything I do - which is a good sign. And she's not pointing me to something by another person and trying to get me to make one like that - that's a big plus. Now I need to make a decision - will I or won't I? Will I regret it later if I do? Many times I do cause some kind of social anxiety/perfectionism comes over me eventually. But not every time - should I risk it again? I feel like I could do something for her and it would work out. Going to leave to walk with Berdella soon - maybe I will have figured out an answer for the customer when I get back from that. I hate making decisions...