getting in the groove

Apr 30, 2014 20:43

"Seeing with the Heart 6" pendant - sterling, enamel on copper, honey tiger-eye, white moonstone Listing HERE

I got a lot of work done today - made a ring set, enameled the eye that went in this pendant and made the pendant - plus mailed something in town this afternoon, made dinner and have now etsyized the pendant. I tried to keep myself away from the internet and the constant checking all day of emails and LJ that I usually do. It really is like an addiction for me and I need to have rules about it and a fence around it so I can keep it contained. Today was a good day - in spite of it being a very rainy day. I also read many pages of a novel too! I count that as a good thing rather than all the internet reading I do usually.

Just for interest below is a photo of a "good" eye (left) and one of the eyes where the silver cloisonne wires melted away over the copper base because of eutectic reaction. I'm going to stick with copper wires on copper and silver wires on silver from now on - quit trying to play with things that can have meltdowns by accident. Though the right eye is interesting in it's own way - I just like the left one with more definition better.

daily life, etsy, enameling, jewelry, reading, addictions, eutectic

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