a tree that i saw the last time berdella and i walked
We walked at McKeever Environmental Center - it was a breathtaking morning - sun sifting through the trees. My little camera didn't do so well with the drastic exposures of sun and shadow - maybe next time we go I'll take the big camera and do manual settings. We found the waterfall - not much going on at this season though - too dry right now. There are so many trails to walk there - should keep us busy for a while exploring them.
I ordered an alternating pressure pad mattress for mom's bed tonight but it won't get here till Wednesday even though I ordered one day shipping - holiday weekends are annoying. I worry about bedsores - definitely don't want mom's last days to be marred by having a bedsore so tonight I thought, I'm going to do something about it. Not wait till it's too late. I have heard the nurses say things almost like they are expecting bedsores - like it is a given that mom will get them as a part of the dying process. She is so thin anymore. Her ribs and spine are quite noticeable now. Even though she only is eating about 1/4 cup of food and drinking 1/2 cup of liquid a day her heart is still good, her kidneys are working and her lungs are good. If someone is going to last a long time in this final stage it's her! One problem with an air mattress will be that we won't be able to let Oo-tapo up on mom's bed anymore. He loves getting up there and kneading his paws into the sheepskin that we presently have her laying on now. I think she likes him there though it's hard to tell.