Nov 26, 2009 11:02
Dave is making the turkey dinner.
Me in charge of pre-cleanup, table set up and post-cleanup.
Thanksgiving - in my mind much hoopla about nothing. Overeating. Making a big deal about when we are going to eat and what. I don't eat birds anyway.
Three different households trying to coordinate eating times so there can be a meal at 3 different places for folks to go to (Chloe's boyfriend Dan's Aunt, the grandkids other Grandma and us - we got the 3 o'clock slot). Baa humbug. (I didn't feel this way when Dave's parents were living and all his siblings came from far away for dinner at their house - I could see the point of a family gathering for that. Now - it's just people we see everyday anyway. Eat quick and get out, go to the next stop)
I am thankful for Dave in my life and my kids. My family. My friends. My situation. My stockpile of books and art supplies. Strange Netflix movies. Winter coming so I can wear my fab new coat. The computer - time sucker that it is, but I still love it.
Kathy wanted me to order her a DVD called "Chihuly in the Hotshop", about Dale Chihuly and glass making. I got it and will watch it today (something to be thankful for) before I send it on to her. She offered for others in art group to watch it too before I send it on - should be very good.
Getting immersed in the idea of art therapy again. I have been reading a new book called "The Soul's Palette" by Cathy A. Malchiodi and now rereading "Soulcollage" by Seena B. Frost. Today I want to focus on art therapy. So I need to get off the computer and get to that... thankful for that!
~ Later... 1 pm now...
Thinking about my obstinacy about ALL holiday's as I reread this post. I seemingly am resistant to every holiday in some way or another. I'm a rebellious person and basically if you tell me I'm supposed to enjoy something I won't! So you tell me I'm supposed to be thankful today - I won't be. But of course I do enjoy certain parts of holidays, just not everything. Everything is gray, nothing black or white. I am thankful for a day off for Dave and the kids from school and work. At the present moment the turkey is in the oven and making the house smell good. Dave and Johnny went next door to work on something and I am alone with mom, just as I am most every Thursday at this time of day. I guess I don't want to accept the "idea" that a holiday is different than most days - a whole new *special* kind of day, that demands special respect.
Just wanted to get that straight...
Later again... 4:15 pm
It was nice - one of the nicest Thanksgivings we have had here (and it wasn't about the food). Everyone (grandkids and all) sitting around the kitchen table (except mom - she was in her wheelchair with her tray, beside the table) - maybe that's what made it good - we were all at one table, one circle of people, for a meal, no hidden agendas (for me), just good will for everyone...
9 pm - one last Thanksgiving post
The 3 kids (Jules, Chloe, Johnny) and Dan and I went dreaded Walmart shopping - just got back. It was wonderful! The store was just about empty (of shoppers) with workers everywhere (getting ready for black Friday). We had the store all to ourselves. And it was so perfect being with all the kids - at their ages there won't be many more times when we will all be going somewhere together...
art therapy,