
Sep 10, 2024 09:10


I walked with Candy yesterday morning at Two Mile. I haven't been there in what seems like a long time and there were changes. It looked like Partridge Road was fixed and open again and there were some new pathways near Hilltop Pavilion. Such a beautiful day. It made me regretful that summer's almost gone and I haven't gone out there enough. I didn't get to see summer unfolding and progressing there. I miss taking walks with just Rainy. I explore more and go random ways when it's just me and her. I got home from that and really wanted to get out somewhere and walk some more. I had a pair of shoes I wanted to return and needed to go to Seneca to the UPS for that so we loaded up the dogs. After the UPS drop off we drove out to Rainbow Rocks. I took lots of pictures of a "phenomenome" (I called it that) where the latest hard rains had made tiny hoodoos alongside the gravel road we walked in on. When I was looking at the pictures in my camera just now I found that I had lots of other pix (backyard, Dave, new household stuff) that I hadn't posted yet:

Dave and his cast at Elephant Eight with my favorite orange wall last week.

From my walk with Jan last week at Falling Run. This mossy old spring house foundation always invites a picture to be taken. You'll have to imagine the sound of trickling water.

New (to me) laptop that Johnny gave me. His business was getting rid of them and he snagged one for me. I'm going to use it at the dining table in my spot. Easier to read things on it than on my phone.

From yesterday's walk with Candy at Two Mile.

I especially liked these roots.

The path goes right beside the stream a lot of the way.

Backyard pics from a walk Dave and I took last week. Our sitting spot (log) to the left of Dave.

Sitting on our log and watching Andy.

This is from last evening at Rainbow Rocks. The main Rainbow Rock.

Doggies waiting for Dave to get treats out of his pocket.

The tiny hoodoos that I was so entranced by.

computer, backyard, candy, 2 mile run, 365 art, art a day, rainy, falling run, rainbow rocks, erosion, andy, dave, jan, hiking

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