Some succulents I saw, taken with the IR Chrome filter. I took a quick walk around the block early this morning while everyone else was still asleep.
Last night family was here for dinner and I got out the Mint Instatflex TL70 camera and took as many pictures as I could. I originally brought the camera because I thought it would be fun to play with here and had mailed a box to Florida with 5 packs of film. I mailed it because I had heard that airport x-rays would mess up the film when it went through TSA check in. But, the box of 5 packs of film never arrived here. Lost in the mail. I did bring one pack of film with me and I do think the x-ray might have affected it but didn't totally ruin it. It possibly just made the pics bluer/darker/grayer than they should have been. I'm not sure.
Family: Kathy, Pete, Laurie, Joe, Tracy, group pic, me (taken by Joe - he was already familiar with twin lens reflex cameras), and another group pic.
Since my polaroid film is all gone now I'm thinking while I'm here I might fashion a
Through The Viewfinder Contraption and still get to play a bit with the camera using a regular digital camera to take the pictures. Maybe there will be more pictures later today...