
Apr 13, 2024 08:59

Here's a bunch of pictures from yesterday:

I started out the day with the IR Chrome filter on the full spectrum camera. I do love that warm red that it turned all the foliage in Kathy and Pete's back yard. To the right is the pavilion where we sit most the time when we are outside.

For lunch we went to the Thai Palace. Green curry, crab wantons, spring roll and Thai iced tea - our regular meal - though Kathy had Thai coffee.

In the evening we went to Palma Sola Gardens - also a frequent place to visit when I'm here. I switched to the 720 IR filter.

This place was a palm tree nursery before they made it into a public gardens so there are still rows of huge palms trees around.

The entrance to the butterfly garden.

Taking a rest.

I kept the color as it came straight from the camera here - passion flower.

The base of a palm tree. I thought it was interesting how all those little roots flowed out from the base.

These palm trees had big bulbs at the bottom.

It was like the root (?) material exploded out of the bark at the bottom.

Nature's bounty. Papaya fruit.

As we were leaving I noticed the moon up in the sky.

Today the family is coming for dinner so our time will be more limited. I think maybe I'll head out to the back yard now to see the morning sun unfold.

full spectrum camera, #39;s house, kathy&, infrared photography, florida trip, palma sola

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